COERR Mae Hong Son Office actively coordinated with all parties concerned to conduct the combined campaign events for World Environment Day & World Refugee Day together with the Karenni national day, under the theme of promoting refugees to "Live with the forests, take care of the forests. Live with water, take care of the water, and My Tree".

1) Activities in Ban Mai Nai Soi Refugee Camp: The Environmental Protection on World Refugee Day and the Karenni National Day events were held in combination on June 16 and June 21, on which, the number of 6,100 trees were planted, in addition to traditional ceremonies to celebrate the Karenni National Day. These ceremonies were participated by approximately 6,000 refugees.

2) Activities in Ban Mae Surin Refugee Camp in Khun Yuam District, Mae Hong Son Province: World Environmental Protection and Refugee Day Event, was organized on June 16, 2011. COERR contributed 510 trees for children to plant in the provided planting areas which will be further taken care of by these children themselves to ensure the tree survival. Other activities included drawing contest, writing contest and sport activities, participated by around 1,000 refugees.


3) UNHCR's Event for World Refugee Day in Mae Hong Son Town Office was organized on June 20, 2011. The theme was to "do 1 thing" for 100 participants, including refugees and NGOs staff to express their wishes. There were booths displaying NGOs' activities, including COERR, refugees' traditional performances, etc., highlighting the day.